Introducing SoundVision Eye Protection
SoundVision® Eye Protection is for those who need to
wear eye protection with earmuffs or headsets.
Current users include shooting enthusiasts and law-enforcement, woodworkers, do-it-yourselfers, landscapers, factory, refinery and mill workers, ATV riders, and pilots.
Ordinary eye protection breaks the seals of earmuffs and headsets, letting in 3-7 decibels* of sound and creating painful pressure points.
SoundVision eye protection attaches to the outer surface of most earmuffs or headsets with Velcro-like straps and thus preserve full, comfortable ear seals and enable full ear and eye protection.
SoundVision comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee so you can Purchase with very little risk. Or, you can learn more about SoundVision at: Product Details, Reviews, Demo.
Featured in:
Popular Woodworking / Fine Woodworking / Cabinet Maker / Woodshop News
Guns & Weapons for Law Enforcement / The Complete Book of Handguns / Guns and Tactics
MAKE Magazine / Extreme How-To / Home Shop Machinist / IronWorks / Tools of the Trade
Occupational Safety / Industrial Hygiene News / Safety+Health by the National Safety Council
* Tips for Fitting Hearing Protectors by Elliott Berger, Senior Scientist of Auditory Research, E.A.R. (page 4)